Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I know that I already have this over in the about me section but I figured this would be the best first post! So here is all the information and all you need to know about how this goes!

Ok so this is how this goes, Starting on Jan 15th we
will start our weekly weigh in's for the contest. It will go for 3 months so
ending on March 18th as the final and last weigh in. Weigh in's need to be on the
same day and same time. The same time will be all up to you I suggest the morning
because thats your truest weight but again all up to you what time. Same day
(sundays) and same time (your choice). Winner takes the money in
the pot!! After everyone has put in their weigh in's for that weekthe next day
I will post an excel file that will show where the standings are to hopefuly give us more
motivation! So this is where I say good luck to all and can't wait to see how
this ends!

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